Blaine has just finished his US acoustic tour and is ready to turn it back up to 11 with Nashville Pussy again... Him and Nine Pound Hammer/Kentucky Bridgeburners Guitarist Earl Crim did some 'hard' road time with the hilarious women of BIRDCLOUD.. You gotta check these chicks out if you get a chance.
We designed a kickass PETE YOU! shirt for the tour and so far sweet Pete hasn't asked us to stop..
Blaine and I just LOVE ol Charlie Hustle and I am so happy to have this new shirt out there telling the world that we just think he's tops... and he belongs in the baseball hall of fame once Bud kicks off.. Yeah- I know a little bout this.. just a little though- Don't ask me any more baseball questions please. Despite the Phillies/Braves rivalry the fine folk at rush order tees still hooked us up sooooo last minute with this mega custom job and cheesesteaks were enjoyed by all!! Pete You!! shirts WILL be available on this tour. They came through big time and deserve the mention.
TURKEY DAY approaches and we are headed to none other than one of America's most fine upstanding gentleman home in Bisbee Arizona.. That right folks- Nashville Pussy is having Thanksfuckingiving with infamous comedian Doug Stanhope. If we live through that night to play the first show - it'll be a miracle in itself. If you don't know who Doug Stanhope is - He is one of the most deplorable human beings I have ever had the opportunity to admire from a safe distance.. he's up there with the members of Dick Delicious and The Tasty Testicles - myself included.
His 'comedy' is scathing and horrific and his own wikipedia page describes him as "America's Most Depraved Man" needless to say Turkey Day will be regrettable as usual but not for the regular familial reasons. Oh Lord I hope we pray before we eat!
(PS - East Coast in Feb and Europe In March!!!!!!!!!!)
Happy Bird-Day America!! (Us Canadians were thankful a month before y'all!)
Thanks anyways...
See y'all on the road!
Ruyter and all of us Nashville Pussies!